Posts filed under: ‘online astrology‘

Review of Lois Rodden’s Astro DATABANK

astrobankThe following of the website was written by Ann Clark.


Astrodatabank is actually the name of software used in astrological research. This website, among its other functions, is the place to preview the software and/or place an order . I don’t have the software yet, but do visit the site frequently. There’s always useful information to be found, for casual visitors and customers alike.

A major component of this site is a list of thousands of dates of birth of famous people. The list is freely available to all.

Astrodatabank also regularly offers a series of sets of biographical details and natal charts featuring well-known individuals, with questions on the astrology, set by an expert for discussion on following pages, message-board style. These discussions are helpful in understanding chart interpretation. Interesting conversations and different styles of interpretation emerge from astrology buffs who contribute there. Arguments can surface at times, adding to the enlightenment and interest of readers.

For visitors with a little experience of interpreting charts, reports of research carried out using Astrodatabank software are available. The aim being to discover if there are “astrological signatures” for , for instance, Astrologers, psychic ability, alcohol abuse.

Anyone interested in astrological research will find the site invaluable – and pretty much unique on-line.

A couple more useful websites for those without access to astrology software are –

Arabic Parts Calculator ~~~~

Midpoints Calculator ~~~~

Brief explanations are included along with the automatic calculators; more detail on using Arabic Parts and Midpoints can easily be found via Google or other search engines. For most Arabic Parts it’s necessary to know an accurate time of birth to ascertain the ascending degree, and if Moon is involved in a midpoint calculation, a birth time is necessary to calculate the exact degree of the Moon in a sign.

For anyone interested in Fixed Stars, there’s a good article and detailed list of the main Stars with their sign, degree and traditional interpretation at Astrology on the Web –

One caution though: some of the traditional interpretations sound dire and dreadful to 21st century folk. I’m of the opinion that the old interpretations ought to be taken with a pinch of salt. They were determined in an age far removed from where we are now. It’s wise to take the basic “feel” of the interpretation and dilute it, modify it, put it in a context of today, when medical knowledge, technology, engineering etc. have developed and improved in leaps and bounds. The old interpretations ought never to be taken quite literally, or, more importantly, out of context of the chart as a whole.

1 comment February 22, 2009

Astrodienst / Review By Ann Clark

Astrodienst /

Part 4 of 5 – Ann Clark’s Favorite Astrology Websites


Astrodienst, also often referred to as, is a website of thousands of pages, and available in a choice of eight languages, at a click of the mouse. It’s an all-encompassing astrology website, invaluable to any who love astrology, at whatever level and style. Astrodienst, translated from the German means Astro-Service, and this site certainly gives excellent service to its readers. Link:

Star act of the site for many is the facility to enter birth data – your own, or of friends and relatives, and instantly have the natal chart appear on screen. It doesn’t stop there though – you can customize the charts in many ways, include extra items such as rare and not so rare asteroids, Black Moon Lilith, some Arabian Parts, and much more. There’s a choice of chart styles, options to include progressions and transits – it’s almost as good as having your own astrology software to play with. As part of the Extended Chart Selection you can obtain a detailed reading of your own or others’ charts from your collection by going to “Pullen/Astrolog” and scrolling down the menu to simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen. This delineation is described as “simple” but there is a wealth of information not available elsewhere, to be gleaned from it. It’s impossible to do this area justice in a few lines, but time spent experimenting will convince any visitor of the value of Astrodienst.

There’s much else of interest: daily horoscope forecasts based on your exact date, place and time of birth, a personal astro portrait of you and any others from your collection of data. Areas of special interest to lovers include Astro-Click Partner, Astro-Click Love, and Liz Greene’s Astrology for Lovers.

A section called “VIP Astro-Twins” offers, under each birthdate, a list of well-known people born on that day, in various years. In some cases, a note of the rising sign is included. The list is more extensive than many other, similar lists commonly found on astrology websites. I found an almost exact astro-twin here!

A useful collection of articles, written by renowned astrologers, appears in the section called “Understanding Astrology”. Astrodienst also makes available to its users an on-line 6,000 year ephemeris – this alone is worth a visit to the site if you happen to be without an ephemeris at home.

The website also hosts an astrology forum where views are exchanged on all manner of astrology-related issues, from general & psychological astrology, to horary, mundane and political matters. There’s also a section where inexperienced readers can place a request for more advanced members to present an interpretation of a natal chart, and/or answer questions on it.

Astrodienst is well-organized and clearly mapped – it’s difficult to get lost, and easy to find anything you’re seeking.

When I reviewed Astrotheme and Skyscript a few weeks ago, I wrote that Astrotheme reflects a Gemini-like image, while Skyscript has a more serious, Virgo/Capricorn flavor. Following that train of thought then, Astrodienst seems to fall somewhere between the two: lighter than Skyscript but more serious than Astrotheme (though lacking that handy collation facility at Astrotheme). Astrodienst has so much to offer for free that I’d say it resembles Sagittarius in its expansive generosity! As well as all the free information, there is opportunity to purchase personal forecasts and reports from a variety on offer at the Astrodienst Shop.

Finally, the newest feature offered by Astrodienst is Astro Wiki – a complete A to Z enclyclopedia of astrology. An introduction to the new feature, written by the CEO of Astrodienst, can be read at This will definitely be something to be saved in Favorites Files!

Add a comment February 16, 2009

Skyscript Website Review By Ann Clark

Website Review By Ann Clark: Skyscript

Editor Note: This article is second of five part series on Ann Clark’s favorite astrology websites. Last week she reviewed Astrotheme.
skyscriptSkyscript, based in the UK, is run by well-respected astrologer Deborah Houlding. The site has an organized, tighter and more serious feel to it than that Astrotheme, reviewed last week.

There is material in Skyscript to appeal and inform at all levels, from the casual reader to a fully-fledged astrologer already steeped in his/her subject. If Astrotheme had a representative zodiac sign I’d give it to Gemini. In contrast I’d give Skyscript to Capricorn or Virgo, for it leans to the traditional, gives great attention to detail, is carefully organized, clear and easy to navigate.

From the Homepage you can take off into scores of pieces on the planets, their rulerships and mythology, with clickable paragraph headings leading on to lots of detail on each topic. There are links to biographies of some of astrology’s greatest luminaries from centuries past. These might appear to be of little interest to a newcomer, but in truth, those luminaries’ names come up quite frequently once you start getting your astro-feet wet. It’s as well to have a little background knowledge.

Skyscript does, as already mentioned, have a leaning towards traditional astrology, but there’s plenty of material which is common to both traditional and modern versions, and enough to engage readers with just a general interest in astrology.
There’s a huge library of articles covering all topics, from interpretations of planetary aspects, to horary and mundane astrology, interviews with professional astrologers, book reviews and much more. A helpful glossary of astrological terms is included to assist those not yet familiar with the “jargon”.

A fun astrology quiz is included on the site. It’s not for complete beginners, but  something to aim to have the knowledge to complete after some months of study.

Personal consultations with a traditional astrologer can be arranged via Skyscript. If in the UK there’s also provision for one-to-one telephone consultations.

Also included in the site is an interesting forum where much useful information can be gleaned just from reading along. If you have a reasonable level of knowledge, especially in the area of traditional astrology, you’ll be welcomed to contribute questions and comments.

In a nutshell, Skyscript is for serious astrology students at all levels, or for seekers of historical information and background. It doesn’t deal in what I call the “fluffy” side of astrology, it deals with the hard nuts and bolts, but always in a clear, well-written and very knowledgeable manner.

Add a comment January 17, 2009






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